Culture: people think of Europe as being developed and very in-tune with religion, but that is not the case. In one mass, literally the whole church will only be there, but not be practicing any religion. The idea of religion is so burnt into people that they are either so ignorant towards the idea of Christianity or so turned off from religion that talking about Jesus is literally something that has to happen! Europe is a first world country so there are luxuries in this place that are not found everywhere around the world. To be honest, some of the things that I see here I wonder why the United States has not adopted yet. However, just because there is development in structure and a history that literally speaks for itself does not mean that there is spiritual development. A third world country, often times Asia or Africa is typically put on the priority list when we think of missions and telling people about Jesus. This is done either consciously or subconsciously, but if we’re honest, we see that this really is the case the majority of the time. However, Europe is predicted to be majority Islamic within only a matter of years. So if this other religion can move in and convince people to follow it, then Christianity certainly can grow especially when there is power behind it of the one true God. As it is with most cultures, as least in my opinion, it is our responsibility to reach the children and through that generations will change and follow. Honestly, the revolutions and culture changes throughout history have all been started by young people. The church was developed through the disciples who were teenagers that had been discipled and developed by Jesus himself.
So, for all of you out there who follow this, I hope you take two things from this blog. The first would be a desire to educate yourself on the real-life cultures of countries, especially if you are going to visit them. Do not fill a stereotype of being an ignorant American. We have enough of those. The second thing would be to allow your perspective of the world to change. Begin to look at parts of the world as God would. Ask the Lord to give you his eyes. It will change your life. Just because that happens does not mean that you will be called to missions, but instead you will be enlightened and that is perhaps a blessing and a curse. If you can understand where another person is coming from, you are light years ahead of most people in this world. However, it is pure laziness that we walk around proud and ignorant. So, I challenge you, I dare you: do something different.